Free ‘Meditation through Chanting’
For this particular time of human history it is clearly described in the ancient Yoga Sutras, that the chanting of the Holy Names of the Lord is the prescribed method for attaining self realization, inner peace and relief from the onslaught of this material world. Just by this chanting we can taste that blissful condition of happiness that totally transcends the troubles of this material world.
Because the Names of the Supreme and the Supreme are identical, then simply by the chanting of these Names a person can easily achieve that ultimate stage of yoga, or union, where we experience that loving union with that Supreme Cause of all causes and from Whom we are all springing from.
We invite you to join us to experience beautiful chanting of these sacred mantras at the following locations:
Geelong Kirtan
Every Tuesday
6:30 to 8:00pm
Armstrong Creek
(Includes Refreshments)
Call for details: 5248 3713
Call: 5248 3713
Email: gauranga@iinet.net.au
The top and bottom menu’s of this page pertain to programs that are based in Collingwood, Melbourne.