Yoga Day Celebration Melbourne 16 June 2019

Peace. Love. Unity = Yoga Day Celebration!


Yoga Day Festival | 16 June 9:00am – 12:00pm
Fitzroy Town Hall, 201 Napier Street, Fitzroy

An iconic annual festival commemorating the United Nations International Day of Yoga, enjoy an incredible morning of community celebrations for all things yoga!

Bask in the glow of yoga, feeling grateful for all the ways the yoga lifestyle has given us sanctuary from the demands of everyday life and guided us on the path to self-discovery.

Whether you’re new to yoga or an experienced practitioner, you will absolutely love Yoga Day Celebration!

Welcome – Mellow Kirtan
Yoga Asana Class with relaxation
Deep Peace Meditation with Pranayama
Chant for Peace & Harmony
Chai, Tea & Refreshments

BYO Yoga Mat.

Bookings Eventbrite
Sponsored by the City of Yarra
Hosted by the Australian School of Meditation & Yoga – Gokula House
Info 9415 9651