Australian Yoga Wisdom Tour with Acharya das


We are pleased to present world renowned guest speaker Acharya das who will talk in depth on important subjects relevant to each and everyone of us.

Acharya Das is a respected teacher of Vedic and yoga philosophy, meditation and kirtan. He is also a practitioner of Bhakti Yoga. He has studied for many years in India under the direction of his initiating Gurudev, Srila Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad and has also studied under world renowned spiritual teacher Jagad Guru Siddhaswarupananda.

For 8 years up until 2006 he served as the General Secretary of the World Vaishnava Association, an Indian based umbrella organization for over 50 Indian and International spiritual organizations. He continues to serve as one of the secretaries in that organization.

He has taught yoga wisdom to appreciative audiences around the world for over 40 years.

Following on from a highly successful tour earlier this year, Acharya das returns to Australia for a series of talks in Adelaide, Melbourne and Sydney.

Below is the schedule of topics to be presented which conclude with the opportunity to ask questions. These evenings also feature kirtan meditation and round off with refreshments.


Cultivate Happiness Through the Art of Mindfulness

Thursday 26th October 2017, 7.00 – 9.00pm

  • What is mindfulness? What is our relationship to our mind?
  • How do we control our mind?
  • Applying mindfulness in daily life for a peaceful, happy existence

We are all wanting and seeking happiness, it is what motivates and drives us. So with everything the modern world has on offer, from advances in technology to “unique and exciting” experiences, why is happiness still so hard to find? What role does mindfulness play in our search for happiness? What is the true meaning of mindfulness and is our mind our friend or our enemy? What is our relationship to our mind and how can we exercise control over the mind to help become truly happy?

Acharya das will explore these important questions and draw on ancient yoga wisdom to examine how mindfulness and happiness are intimately connected. Importantly, he will also discuss how mindfulness can be used as a tool in our daily lives to live a more meaningful, peaceful and happy existence.

“The mind is something that we should use, and not be used by” – Acharya das.

When: Thursday 26th October
7.00 – 9.00pm
Venue: Eolian Hall, 836 Lygon St.
Cost: By donation
Refreshments provided
RSVP: Eventbrite | Facebook
Enquiries: Contact Us


The Secret to Living a Successful Meaningful Life

Saturday 28th October 2017, 7.00 – 9.00pm

  • Defining Success. What does it look like?
  • How to live with purpose and meaning.
  • Practical tools to face modern challenges

In a world heavily influenced by social media, shifting beliefs and the culture of celebrity, how do we know what is true success, and what’s not? How do we determine which path leads to a truly successful meaningful life, and which is a mirage?

With the Internet drowning us in a sea of conflicting ideas and projections, many people are looking to cut through the philosophical banter and get back to the roots of a personal spirituality, and most of all, how it practically applies to the challenges of our modern lives.

Whether a yoga enthusiast or not, ancient Vedic and yoga philosophy provides the tools, resources and inspiration to transform our lives. This enlightening and powerful talk by Acharya das will outline how these tools can help us take personal steps to cultivate a truly successful meaningful life, while making a positive contribution to those around us and the world we live in.

When: Saturday 28th October
7.00 – 9.00pm
Venue: Eolian Hall, 836 Lygon St.
Cost: By donation
Refreshments provided
RSVP: Eventbrite | Facebook
Enquiries: Contact Us


The Relevance of Vedic Wisdom in the Western World

Sunday 29th October 2017, 5.00 – 8.00pm

  • How does where you live influence your values?
  • Upholding Vedic tradition in modern society
  • The Vedas, providing the foundation.

Join world renowned and respected teacher Acharya das as he examines the importance of the Vedas and yoga wisdom in Western society.

Do you struggle with the magnitude of advertising promoting materialism and consumerism? What values do the Vedas and yoga wisdom provide in a modern Western society like Australia?

A lifetime of Vedic knowledge and Yoga wisdom enables Acharya das to speak with insightful awareness to help give you the strength and understanding to apply these values into your life in a practical way, allowing you to live a more purposeful and happy life, regardless of where you live. This will be a compelling and informative event with time for personal questions and answers after the lecture.

When:  Sunday 29th October
5.00 – 8.00pm
Venue: Gokula House
Cost :   $5 includes delicious vegetarian meal
RSVP :  Eventbrite | Facebook
Enquiries :  Contact Us



View inspiring talks recently spoken by Acharya das at